On the Observability of the Early Universe, Marco Bersanelli Copernicus 44:10 6 years ago 660 Далее Скачать
Exploring the Limits of Space-Time, Marco Bersanelli Copernicus 56:24 9 years ago 1 287 Далее Скачать
The Planck satellite described by Prof. M. Bersanelli Origins 2013 9:03 10 years ago 138 Далее Скачать
What Have we Learned From The 10 Billion Dollar Webb Space Telescope Mudfossil University 24:44 1 day ago 3 597 Далее Скачать
Marco Bersanelli e Il grande spettacolo del cielo a Lugano Centro Culturale della Svizzera italiana 1:23:01 7 years ago 1 657 Далее Скачать
Segre Lecture: How Did The Universe Begin? UC Berkeley Events 1:17:30 15 years ago 318 608 Далее Скачать
Che cosa è l'uomo perchè te ne curi - Prof. Marco Bersanelli Fiera San Pancrazio 1:50:17 4 years ago 758 Далее Скачать